
Becky Bace has passed away

Posted on March 14, 2017 by Keith Lynn
Keith Lynn

Becky Bace data-lightbox='featured'

The USA School of Computing and the security community lost a dear friend today, and the world lost a great citizen. Becky Bace suffered a heart attack late last night and passed away this afternoon at USA Medical Center. Paul and Terri were by her side. Becky is one of a kind and will be greatly missed.

RIP, Becky Bace.

In honor of Becky, ACSA's top scholarship in the Scholarship for Women Studying Information Security (SWSIS.org) has been renamed as the Rebecca Gurley Bace Scholarship.

Please click this link for details about her Memorial Service

ACSA's top scholarship in the Scholarship for Women Studying Information Security (SWSIS.org) has been renamed as the Rebecca Gurley Bace Scholarship. Contributions to help support this scholarship are welcomed by sending a check (sorry, no online contributions) to:

Applied Computer Security Associates, Inc
2906 Covington Road
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Checks should be made payable to Applied Computer Security Associates, and note SWSIS Rebecca Gurley Bace Scholarship on the memo line. ACSA is a registered 501.3(c) non-profit organization

Becky's Company Infidel.net

The Becky Bace Mentoring Program

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