
Prepare for Advising


Prepare Before Meeting Your Advisor

  1. Study the requirements for graduation based on your .
  2. Draft a long range plan of courses through to graduation to discuss with your advisor. Use this blank Long Range Planning Sheet to create your Long Range Plan.
  3. For students who began their course of study in Fall 2013 and later, use Degree Works to print a degree evaluation. There is a Degree Works guide posted here. Students who began prior to Fall 2013 should use PAWS to print a degree evaluation. Once this degree evaluation has been generated,  each student should review the text associated with areas NOT MET and in the Excess Courses areas to understand which courses are required within the area. Furthermore, prerequisites for required courses should be checked to insure that courses are planned to be taken in the correct order.

    To generate a degree evaluation on :
    1. Sign on to .
    2. Choose 'Student Services and Financial Aid'.
    3. Choose 'Student Records'.
    4. Choose 'Degree Evaluation'.
    5. Select the current Term.
    6. At the top of the degree audit, click Process New to prepare a new assessment of your current curriculum.
    7. If you are interested in changing your current major and wish to see how your credits will apply to a different major, click on the Worksheets tab on left side of page and then choose What if, fill in the Degree, Catalog Year and Major. Choose Minor and/or Concentration if applicable to your degree. Finally, click Process What-If to generate the new degree audit.
  4. Completing your trial schedule with the courses appropriate to your long range plan making sure you meet the course prerequisites.
  5. Making an advising appointment during the advising period for this semester. You need to know the name of your Primary Advisor to make an advising appointment.

    To find your Primary Advisor on : 
    1. Sign on to .
    2. Choose 'Student Services and Financial Aid'.
    3. Choose 'Student Records'.
    4. Choose 'General Student Information'.
    5. Select the current Term.
    6. Note the name of your 'Primary Advisor'.
  6. Sign up for an advising session with your advisor

 What To Bring To The Meeting

  1. Your completed trial schedule.
  2. Your long range plan for graduation.
  3. Your degree evaluation with any questions about your NOT MET requirements and course prerequisites.